And here's my Funky Journal...I have to resend cause mine wasn't soo FUNKY and I want my swap partner to be happy and no 3's for me..Some of my other swaps depend on that rating..Anyway here's mine...

My kids are trying to take it from me..lol...
My part of the bookmark swap is going out tomorrow and redoing the journal and I have some angel tags (mixed media) to do..I'm sooo gonna have FUN with those..And some Dotee dolls to make..I'm gonna be busy,busy,busy but I LIKe this kind of busy..Keeps me out of trouble..lol...We're gonna be a host family for a Flat Dexter..He's gonna be with us for a month or so..So we'll share some sights here in Arizona and also he'll be with us when we move from Arizona to Oregon..I can't wait..
Looking through people's profiles I can't help to feel bad for those that got flaked on especially in a personal swap..I hope that doesn't happen to me..And you never know who I will Angel too..But one day I probably will get flaked on, who knows..
I'm really EXCITED about a Burlesque swap I'm gonna be a part in..You don't have to buy an outfit, but I've always wanted one..My persona is "Vixen Dubois"..She's a bit raunchy and LEWD, but she's a sweetheart..Debating if I'm gonna post pics of Vixen,I just might, not sure if she wants me too or not..But I'm excited...
Gotta put the lil ones to bed, Night all...
Happy Swappin..